Working with a Radical Aliveness practitioner

Live courageously as a unifying presence in the world.

Welcome to Radical Aliveness, an attitude and context that holds holds differences, divides and complexity in a radically new way. Experiencing life through the perspective of Radical Aliveness supports our ability to bring people together—to be a unifying presence in whatever situation we encounter, with every culture and point of view we meet throughout the world.

A Certified Practitioner of Radical Aliveness is highly trained to work with you as an individual or group to achieve both personal and professional objectives. The work is valuable in a multiplicity of settings including businesses, educational institutions, families and social groups.

The Radical Aliveness practitioner creates an environment able to hold any perspective, emotion or experience—free of judgment, expectation and evaluation. Our clients feel seen, heard, validated, and empowered to stand in what’s true for them while being fully open to others. Probably for the first time in their life they see their own “perceptual filter,” the unique way in which we, as individuals, perceive and make meaning in the world, and how we unconsciously expect the world to respond.

Awareness of this perceptual lens is the key ingredient in partnership and participatory leadership as it is in the openness of this awareness that clients find deep connection with the whole from which creative solutions arise—solutions that benefit all and leave no one out.

In a Radical Aliveness session, whether with an individual or a group, the practitioner acts from the solid, flexible and expansive ground of the five Radical Aliveness Principles. These principles enable him or her to work with complexity on the personal, interpersonal and systemic levels, bringing to the surface the powerful emotions and attitudes that underlie these levels of human interaction.

The Radical Aliveness principles have been lived and integrated into the lives of the certified practitioners through their years of study, introspection and practice, enabling them to act as the "self as instrument”—embodied transmitters of the unifying presence of Radical Aliveness.


Working with Complexity from the Radical Aliveness Philosophy


Radical Aliveness Concepts